Libri prohibiti


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Charta 77 (1977-1989)

On Sunday, January 6, 1977 evening was first published statement of the signatories of Charter 77 criticized the ” political and state power ” for violation of human and civil rights, the observance of which is committed at the signing of the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe. In the document, the signatories urged the representatives of the domestic regime to remedy this situation and to initiate a constructive dialogue on this topic. Charter 77 was to the liking of the founding authors of the text ( main writers were Václav Havel and Pavel Kohout ) in the future engage in the following activities: ” attention to individual cases of violations of human and civil rights , to document , propose solutions , bringing a variety of general proposals aimed at deepening these rights and guarantees, to act as a mediator in situations of conflict , which may cause injustice , etc. “

The Charter 77 could log every signature ( in the Charter 77 Declaration was presented: “agrees with its ideas and participates in its work and supports it ” ) . The first wave was published the names of 242 signatories whose signatures – along with several other – the State Security confiscated in January 1977 ( when most of the detention of Vaclav Havel , Ludvik Vaculik and Paul Landovský when 6th 1977 first rode into Parliament and the Cabinet Office to transmit the original Declaration of Charter 77) . The offices of the secret police investigators to the appropriate investigative file eventually received a total of 268 signature cards, which represent a remarkable collection of autographs . As mentioned file was opened to the public in its entirety only a few months ago , they decided to introduce the authors of these pages original signatures as digital copies on this website.

Published signatures will be gradually supplemented by other signatures Charter 77 Declaration of the library collections of samizdat and exile literature Libri prohibiti ( 17 November 1989 signed the Charter 77 Declaration of about 1,900 people in approximately less than half is preserved original signature ) . Below is the list of signatories of Charter 77 for each name and surname shown either numbers ( refers to the number of Charter 77 document , which was published signature ) or the letter N ( corresponding signature in 1989 was not published ) . This page also has published a facsimile of a typed version of the Declaration of Charter 77 ( in Czech and English) and cover letters .

Petr Blazek, January 6, 2007

Libri prohibiti thanks the Department of Security Services Archive MV ( ) for permission for publication of archival documents (AMV , archival number ZV- 484, respectively . 33766 V- MV) .

List of the singatures